Wednesday, 29 October 2008

second project space

right i really should have started this a lil while ago but have only just got round to it, had a lot of things going on over the past few weeks lol. anyway in this project we have the theme for "space" as in why things are positioned and not the outer space kinda stuff.

i got the book twenty thousand leagues under the sea for my project with 3 scenes written down which i am producing concept work for.

my first scene is cap'n nemo's museum/study kinda thing which i got the dimensions of 30 feet long, 18 wide and 15 high, pretty big room, so i looked into angles and the room iteself the nautilus and other things i could think of. here are some of the research images i found.

after looking at these for a few references i created some draft scetches to try and find the best perspective, the strongest image for my concept image.

this image i believed to be the strongest and so i chose this image to create my final image for my first concept. im no good at creating a perspective, i can see it in my mind but i cant put it down onto paper and so the way i got around this problem was to create the room in maya in less than 5 minutes and then add a camera, i made the room acording to the size mentioned in the book and then moved the camera until i found the perspective view i wanted. i then used this to draw my final perspective view and scanned in the image to start working on.

here is the image atm, i still have some work to do to it but its coming along nicely.

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